LANArix -- A LAN Interface for Directional Power Sensors
LANArix provides a comprehensive set of SCPI commands for controlling an NRT-Zxx directional power sensor. The power sensor can be an R&S NRT-Z14, NRT-Z43 or NRT-Z44 (1,2). The power sensor gets its supply voltage directly from the LANArix interface.
After Power ON the interface obtains an IP address dynamically from a local DHCP server on the network. The controlling host (usually a personal computer or embedded system, running Linux, macOS or Windows) contacts the remote NRT-Zxx by the industry standard VISA protocol. LANArix is equipped with both a HiSlip and a SCPI-RAW channel. Preferably HiSlip should be used.
The communication starts with opening the power sensor as a normal VISA device by using its TCP/IP address or hostname in a viOpen()
command. An appropriate VISA resource string would be
in your viOpen()
command on the controlling PC.
Sending *IDN?
will return the corresponding identification of the connected NRT-Zxx power sensor.
query returns information of possibly occurred errors. The next picture shows the error query after sending a nonsense command SENS:FOO:BAR 5
The corresponding query returns:
A measurement result is acquired by an INIT:IMM
and a subsequent FETCH?
Other commands are documented on the command tab Commands